Minggu, 29 April 2012

Cheat Grand Theft Auto 4, GTA IV

Menipu modus
Sementara permainan, tekan Up untuk menampilkan ponsel Niko itu. Tekan Up lagi untuk mengakses keypad. Lalu, masukkan salah satu kode berikut untuk mengaktifkan fungsi cheat. Setelah kode telah dimasukkan dengan benar, baru "Cheats" menu pilihan akan tersedia pada ponsel Anda, di bawah "Pilihan", di mana Anda dapat mengakses menipu tanpa harus memasukkan nomor telepon lagi. Catatan: Jangan save game setelah memungkinkan kode untuk menghindari masalah yang tidak terduga. Mengaktifkan beberapa kecurangan akan mencegah pencapaian yang ditunjukkan (s) dari yang dihasilkan. Anda biasanya dapat hanya menelurkan satu kendaraan pada suatu waktu. Setiap kendaraan sebelumnya melahirkan akan hilang. Namun, jika Anda menelurkan kendaraan, menyimpan permainan, dan beban lagi, Anda bisa menelurkan satu sama lain dan asli Anda tidak akan hilang. Maka harus di tempat parkir di depan safehouse atau akan pergi sebelum Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk bertelur lain.

Kendali kesehatan dan baju besi
Dial "3625550100" pada ponsel. Jika Anda memasukkan kode ini saat di kendaraan, juga akan memperbaikinya. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "DOC-555-0100". Kode ini mencegah "Dibersihkan The Mean Streets", "Finish Dia", "Satu Tentara Man", dan "Walk Gratis" prestasi dari yang diperoleh.
Kendali kesehatan, armor, dan amunisi
Dial "4825550100" pada ponsel. Jika Anda memasukkan kode ini saat di kendaraan, juga akan memperbaikinya. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "GTA-555-0100". Kode ini mencegah "Dibersihkan The Mean Streets" Pencapaian dari yang diperoleh.
Senjata tier 1
Dial "4865550100" pada ponsel. Ini akan membuka pemukul bisbol, pistol, senapan, MP5, M4, senapan sniper, RPG, dan granat. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "GUN-555-0150". Kode ini mencegah "Dibersihkan The Mean Streets" Pencapaian dari yang diperoleh.
Senjata tier 2
Dial "4865550150" pada ponsel. Ini akan membuka pisau, bom molotov, pistol, senapan, Uzi, AK47, senapan sniper, dan RPG. Catatan: diterjemahkan nomor telepon ini untuk "GUN-555-0.100". Kode ini mencegah "Dibersihkan The Mean Streets" Pencapaian dari yang diperoleh.
Hapus tingkat ingin Niko
Dial "2675550100" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "COP-555-0100". Kode ini mencegah "One Man Army" dan "Walk Gratis" prestasi dari yang diperoleh.
Tambahkan satu bintang untuk tingkat ingin Niko
Dial "2675550150" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "COP-555-0150".
Menelurkan helikopter polisi Annihilator
Dial "3595550100" pada ponsel. Annihilator ini dipersenjatai dengan roket. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "FLY-555-0100". Kode ini mencegah "One Man Army" dan "Walk Gratis" prestasi dari yang diperoleh.
Menelurkan Cognoscenti
Dial "2275550142" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "CAR-555-0142".
Menelurkan Comet
Dial "2275550175" pada ponsel Catatan:. Nomor telepon untuk menerjemahkan "CAR-555-0175".
Spawn FBI Buffalo
Dial "2275550100" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "CAR-555-0100".
Spawn Jetmax
Dial "9385550100" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "WET-555-0100".
Spawn NRG-900
Dial "6255550100" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "MBK-555-0100".
Spawn Sanchez
Dial "6255550150" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "MBK-555-0150".
Menelurkan SuperGT
Dial "2275550168" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "CAR-555-0168".
Spawn Turismo
Dial "2275550147" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "CAR-555-0147".
Perubahan cuaca dan kecerahan
Dial "4685550100" pada ponsel. Catatan: Ini nomor telepon diterjemahkan menjadi "HOT-555-0100".
Kode berikut memerlukan "The Lost Dan Damned" konten bonus download:
Spawn Burrito
Dial "8265550150" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan sepeda Double T
Dial "2455550125" pada ponsel.
Spawn Hakuchou sepeda
Dial "2455550199" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan sepeda Hexer
Dial "2455550150" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan sepeda Inovasi
Dial "2455550100" pada ponsel.
Spawn Slamvan
Dial "8265550100" pada ponsel.
Kode berikut ini membutuhkan "The Ballad Of Gay Tony" konten bonus download:
Senapan sniper tembakan Explosive
Dial "4865552526" pada ponsel.
Super pukulan
Dial "2765552666" pada ponsel.
Spawn Akuma sepeda
Dial "6255550200" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan APC
Dial "2725558265" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan Bullet GT
Dial "2275559666" pada ponsel.
Spawn Buzzard helikopter
Dial "3595552899" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan perahu pelampung
Dial "9385550150" pada ponsel.
Menelurkan parasut
Dial "3595557272" pada ponsel.
Spawn Vader sepeda
Dial "6255553273" pada ponsel.
  Hapus batas amunisi ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Mendapatkan penyelesaian permainan 100% dalam konten "The Lost Dan Damned" bonus download.
  Bonus senjata ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan tugas ditunjukkan untuk membuka senjata yang sesuai di safehouse Anda:
Assault senapan: perang geng Berhasil menyelesaikan 40 dan "Tol Berat" misi.
Pistol otomatis: Berhasil menyelesaikan 20 perang geng.
Carbine senapan: Berhasil menyelesaikan 30 perang geng.
Peluncur granat: Berhasil menyelesaikan 50 perang geng.
Menggergaji-off shotgun: Berhasil menyelesaikan 10 perang geng.
Berhasil menyelesaikan tugas ditunjukkan untuk membuat senjata yang sesuai penyampaian oleh Jim:
Pistol otomatis: Berhasil menyelesaikan "Cop Gugurkan Bad" misi.
Bom pipa: Berhasil menyelesaikan "Hit Pipe" misi.
  Gratis senjata ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua perang geng untuk mendapatkan senjata gratis dari Terry.
  Bati 801 sepeda ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan pencurian sepeda sepuluh untuk Angus. Sepeda Bati 801 sekarang akan tersedia bagi Clay untuk mengangkut kepada Anda atau dapat ditemukan diparkir dekat safehouse.
  Hokachu sepeda ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Menang dua belas balapan di mode pemain tunggal. Sepeda Hokachu sekarang akan tersedia bagi Clay untuk mengangkut kepada Anda atau dapat ditemukan diparkir dekat safehouse.
  Inovasi sepeda ("The Lost Dan Damned" DLC)
Menembak semua lima puluh camar. Sepeda Inovasi sekarang akan tersedia bagi Clay untuk mengangkut kepada Anda atau dapat ditemukan diparkir dekat safehouse.
  Tidak ada batas amunisi ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Mendapatkan penyelesaian permainan 100% untuk menghapus batas amunisi.
  Bonus senjata ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan tugas ditunjukkan untuk membuka senjata yang sesuai di safehouse Anda:
.44 Pistol: Berhasil menyelesaikan 10 Perang Obat.
Lanjutan MG: Berhasil menyelesaikan 20 Perang Obat.
Ledakan senapan: Berhasil menyelesaikan Perang Obat 30.
Sticky bom: Berhasil menyelesaikan 40 Perang Obat.
Emas SMG: Berhasil menyelesaikan 50 Perang Obat.
  Emas Buzzard ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan permainan untuk membuka Buzzard emas di sebuah heliport dekat Terowongan Booth.
  Emas super Gugurkan Diamond ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan permainan untuk membuka Diamond Gugurkan emas super luar apartemen Yusuf.
  Noose APC ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Menembak semua 50 camar untuk membuka APC Noose di lokasi konstruksi Henrique.
  Parasut ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua melompat dasar untuk membuka parasut di apartemen Anda.
  Dapatkan kendaraan apapun dari misi apapun ("The Ballad Of Gay Tony" DLC)
Selama misi transportasi, akan ada beberapa mobil, kapal, dan pesawat yang hanya dapat digunakan dalam misi mereka. Cukup membunuh orang tersebut dengan Anda di dalam kendaraan untuk mengakhiri misi dan menjaga kendaraan untuk digunakan kapan saja.
  Rahasia peta lokasi
Pergi ke Cafe @ TW internet, login ke komputer, dan masukkan "www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com" sebagai URL untuk melihat peta yang mengungkapkan senjata semua, kesehatan, baju baja, kendaraan, merpati, ramp / stunt, dan lokasi hiburan.
Berhasil menyelesaikan tugas ditunjukkan untuk membuka bonus yang sesuai:
Annihilator polisi helikopter: Kumpulkan semua 200 merpati (tikus terbang).
Tidak ada batas amunisi: Dapatkan selesai 100%.
Rastah Warna Huntley SUV: Berhasil menyelesaikan misi 10 Pengiriman Paket.
  Khusus persahabatan bonus
Mencapai tingkat yang ditunjukkan persahabatan dengan karakter yang sesuai untuk membuka kemampuan persahabatan khusus mereka:
Alex (nama layar "LiberatedWoman")
Cara: Cari iklan pribadi dari "LiberatedWoman" dalam "Wanita mencari pria" bagian dari situs web "www.craplist.net". Alex adalah sedikit dari gadis egois, manja kaya busuk. Dia akan pujian Niko karena memakai pakaian mahal dan mengendarai mobil mahal. Dia juga akan menulis tentang eksploitasi dengan Niko di blog-nya di "www.blogsnobs.org". Mencapai 80% persahabatan dengannya.
Khusus kemampuan: 50% off di semua toko pakaian.
Metode: Bawa dia bowling, minum, makan, klub strip, show, tur dengan helikopter, dan berperahu untuk mencapai persahabatan 70%.
Kemampuan khusus (Ride Chopper): Brucie Call, dan ia akan terbang helikopternya kepada Anda. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk cepat perjalanan ke berbagai bagian kota.
Carmen (nama layar "SoboHoe")
Khusus kemampuan (Meningkatkan Kesehatan): kesehatan Mengembalikan Niko melalui telepon. Dia akan memanggil Niko setiap kesempatan dia mendapat.
Metode: Ajak dia untuk strip klub, makan, minum, pertunjukan, dan bowling untuk mencapai persahabatan 60%.
Kemampuan khusus (Bantuan Ekstra): Call Dwayne memiliki mobil penuh anggota geng mengikuti Anda.
Kiki (nama layar "LawChick")
Metode: Tanggal LawChick melalui "www.love-meet.net" melalui internet dalam game. Bawa dia keluar beberapa kali untuk mencapai persahabatan 75%. Ketika menjatuhkan liburnya, pilih "Mencoba keberuntungan" pilihan. Setelah itu, dia akan menghubungi Anda dan mengatakan dia dapat menghapus FBI.
Kemampuan khusus (Hapus Sampai 3 Stars Dicari): Panggil dia di ponsel Anda, dan pilih "tingkat dicari Batal".
Sedikit Yakub
Metode: Bawa dia ke panahan, acara, kolam renang, minum, makan, dan strip klub untuk mencapai persahabatan 60%.
Khusus kemampuan (Senjata Diskonto): Call Sedikit Yakub, dan ia akan mengusir mobil penuh senjata bagi Anda untuk membeli.
Metode: Ajak dia untuk strip klub, acara, panahan, minum, bowling, kolam untuk mencapai persahabatan 75%.
Khusus kemampuan (Boom?): Call Packie, dan ia akan membuat sebuah bom mobil untuk Anda.
Metode: Bawa dia ke bowling, minum anak panah,, makan, kolam renang, pertunjukan, dan klub strip untuk mencapai persahabatan 60%.
Khusus kemampuan (Free Ride): Call Romawi, dan ia akan mengirim taksi gratis.
Metode: Berhasil menyelesaikan semua 30 pencurian kendaraannya.
Khusus kemampuan: Garasi Selatan Bohan sekarang akan menawarkan uang untuk setiap kendaraan yang Anda berikan. Semakin baik kondisi, semakin banyak uang yang akan Anda peroleh.
  Mendapatkan selesai 100%
Berikut ini adalah daftar cara untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian 100%:
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua misi 90 cerita dan prosedural untuk mendapatkan 68% selesai.
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua pencurian kendaraan untuk mendapatkan 30% tambahan 2.
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua 50 melompat akrobat untuk mendapatkan 2,5% tambahan.
Kumpulkan semua 200 merpati (tikus terbang) untuk mendapatkan 2,5% tambahan.
Cari semua karakter acak dan menyelesaikan misi mereka untuk mendapatkan 5% tambahan.
Berhasil menyelesaikan semua 20 kejahatan main hakim sendiri untuk mendapatkan 2,5% tambahan.
Membunuh semua 30 orang pada daftar untuk mendapatkan tambahan 2,5%.
Kocok teman atau komputer di setiap kegiatan untuk mendapatkan 5% tambahan.
Dapatkan kemampuan khusus semua teman Anda dan melakukan semua kegiatan mereka untuk mendapatkan tambahan 10% Catatan:. Ini tidak termasuk Dwayne atau Romawi.
  Mudah kesehatan
Dial "911" pada ponsel Anda. Anda akan mencapai menu suara. Tekan "2" untuk ambulans. Ketika ambulans tiba, paramedis akan mengembalikan kesehatan Anda untuk sekitar $ 1.000. Setelah isi ulang kesehatan Anda, bunuh dia untuk mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. -Dari: Mike
  Rezeki murah
Pergi ke ATM, maka menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas ke daerah. Menunggu seseorang untuk mengambil uang dari ATM, lalu membunuh dia. Pastikan untuk memblokir setiap jalan di dekatnya sehingga ambulans tidak bisa ke korban dibunuh. Ambil uang yang mereka jatuh di tanah. Kemudian, jalankan jarak yang cukup dekat, dan kembali. Uang seharusnya respawned di tanah. Anda bisa mengulang ini sebanyak yang diinginkan. Anda juga dapat membunuh lebih banyak orang mengambil uang mereka dari ATM untuk meningkatkan jumlah uang yang respawns. -Dari: Khairol161
Cari daerah dengan banyak orang. Kemudian, posisi diri jarak yang layak pergi, dan mengaktifkan "Spawn Jetmax" kode. Perahu harus bertelur di depan rakyat, jatuh pada mereka, dan membunuh mereka tanpa menaikkan tingkat ingin Anda. Anda kemudian dapat mengambil uang yang dijatuhkan oleh orang-orang dibunuh. Ulangi proses ini sebanyak yang diinginkan. -Dari: Vernon Reis
Setelah menyelesaikan semua 30 Stevie pencurian kendaraan, pergi ke garasi di selatan Bohan. Lalu, masukkan salah satu "Spawn" Kode kendaraan, dan mengambil kendaraan ke bengkel untuk mendapatkan jumlah yang tercantum uang selama kendaraan dalam kondisi sempurna. Ulangi sebanyak yang diinginkan. -Dari: Elan Gedalia
Cognoscenti: $ 9.000
Comet: $ 6.000
NRG-900: $ 2.500
Sanchez: $ 1.200
SuperGT: $ 11,000
Turismo: $ 11,000
Setelah menyelesaikan semua 30 Stevie pencurian kendaraan, naik taksi ke Perseus pada Pyrite Street dan Bismarck Avenue. Berjalan ke dealer mobil Grotti dengan tongkat baseball. Gunakan tongkat baseball Anda untuk mematahkan jendela di sisi timur bangunan di dekat pohon yang memiliki Turismo diparkir di belakangnya. Cobalah untuk tidak merusak mobil ini. Ambil Turismo, dan mengendarainya ke toko mobil Stevie. Mengambil jembatan Pulau Biaya untuk Bohan adalah rute terbaik. Stevie akan memberikan sekitar $ 10.000 untuk mobil, tergantung pada kondisinya. Anda kemudian dapat naik taksi kembali ke dealer dan melakukannya lagi.
Mencuri sebuah truk lapis baja, dan meledakkannya untuk mendapatkan sekitar $ 1.100 dari tumpukan uang sekitar reruntuhan.
Ada kesalahan dalam Aldeney di persimpangan Tudor dan Port Tudor, dekat dengan penjara di mana Anda kunjungi Gerald. Anda dapat menemukan total sembilan truk lapis baja tiba kembali-ke-kembali. Highjack satu, kemudian memblokir jalan. Satu lagi akan muncul. Meniup mereka satu-per-satu. Ada total sekitar $ 1.100 pada setiap truk, yang terutama berguna ketika baru saja memulai atau jika Anda perlu uang.
Mencuri Securicar, dan meledakkannya untuk mendapatkan sekitar $ 1.000 dari sekitar tumpukan reruntuhan. Untuk melakukan hal ini tanpa mendapatkan tingkat ingin, Anda harus mengendarainya dan mendapatkannya rusak, sebelum terbakar dan meledak. Jangan menyerang dengan senjata atau Anda akan mendapatkan bintang dua tingkat ingin. Jika Securicar merokok berhenti berjalan dan masih tidak terbakar, menggunakan ponsel Anda untuk memanggil orang, kemudian menggantung ketika sedang panggilan. Securicar akan mulai lagi, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan atas jumlah kerusakan untuk mendapatkannya untuk terbakar dan meledak.
Pergi ke klub strip, dan membunuh penari telanjang. Masing-masing turun sekitar lima atau enam gumpalan uang tunai, tetapi semua penjaga akan menyerang Anda.
  Mudah dicari lebih rendah tingkat
Jika Anda ingin menyingkirkan tingkat ingin Anda, cukup memulai misi. Tingkat ingin Anda akan segera pergi. Jika ada mobil polisi pun mengejar Anda, polisi akan hilang tetapi mobil akan tetap ada. -Dari: D2
Untuk menurunkan tingkat ingin Anda, cukup masukkan safehouse, dan menyimpan kemajuan Anda. Ketika Anda bangun, tingkat ingin Anda akan hilang.
  Perbaikan mesin
Jika kendaraan Anda mogok dan tidak akan mulai, memanggil nomor yang disimpan dalam ponsel Anda atau "911", dan mesin Anda harus mulai lagi.
  Cepat perbaikan
Sementara di dalam kendaraan, jika Anda berkendara melalui paket kesehatan, kesehatan Anda akan dikembalikan dan kerusakan pada mobil Anda akan sepenuhnya diperbaiki. Hal ini sangat berguna saat bermain online dalam kendaraan yang telah terbakar.
  Parkir kendaraan lebih
Di luar tempat persembunyian pertama Anda adalah area parkir kecil untuk memarkir kendaraan Anda dan menyelamatkan mereka. Daripada parkir kendaraan Anda sepenuhnya dalam baris, anda dapat memarkir kendaraan Anda sebagian dalam jalur untuk memungkinkan lebih banyak kendaraan yang akan parkir dan disimpan. -Dari: Zane
Pada awal permainan akan terlihat bahwa Anda hanya dapat menyimpan dua kendaraan yang diparkir di "Parkir Warga Only" ruang parkir di depan rumah Anda aman. Namun, jika Anda dapat menemukan lainnya "Warga Parkir Hanya" tempat di seluruh kota, Anda juga dapat menyimpan kendaraan ada bahkan jika Anda tidak memiliki rumah yang aman di lokasi tersebut belum.
Jika Anda mencoba untuk menggunakan trik untuk menjaga lebih dari dua kendaraan di setiap ruang parkir satu, itu hanya akan bekerja sampai Anda meninggalkan sesi permainan saat ini. Jika Anda mematikan sistem Anda, memainkan game multiplayer, atau load save Anda yang paling terakhir, semua kecuali dua dari kendaraan Anda akan hilang. Tampaknya baik menyimpan dua kendaraan paling dekat dengan pusat ruang parkir atau dua secara acak.
  Cepat perjalanan
Untuk menghindari membuang-buang waktu mengemudi sepanjang jalan di seluruh kota, hubungi taksi. Mereka akan membawa Anda ke tujuan Anda untuk misi Anda, toko, rumah aman, atau bahkan penanda waypoint. Anda dapat melewatkan melalui naik taksi, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan perjalanan di seluruh kota dalam waktu sekitar sepuluh detik. Ini juga dapat dilakukan selama misi.
  Assasin Easy misi
Sebagian besar misi Assassin itu dapat diselesaikan lebih mudah dengan menggunakan helikopter. Tanah pada posisi tinggi yang menghadap ke target Anda, dan menggunakan senapan sniper untuk membunuh mereka.
  Mudah headshots
Kadang-kadang sulit untuk mendapatkan headshots, yang melakukan hitungan. Dengan beberapa latihan, melakukan berikut ini adalah cara mudah untuk mendapatkan headshots. Tekan [Auto-Tujuan], kemudian gunakan Kanan Analog-stick ke memindahkan target auto-tujuan di sekitar tubuh korban. Hampir memindahkan Kanan Analog-stick sebagai Anda menembak. Hal ini menempatkan peluru di dada dan kepala, dan hasil dalam membunuh instan mudah.
  Mudah penembakan
Ketika Anda bisa, hubungi Romawi, dan minta dia mengirim taksi untuk Anda. Mari taksi mengantar Anda berkeliling. Anda akan dapat menembak orang tanpa berhenti driver. Dia juga akan berjalan melewati polisi dan blokade sebanyak mungkin. Ketika Anda terjebak, memilih untuk mengakhiri perjalanan Anda di tujuan tanpa tingkat ingin.
  Mudah darurat kendaraan
Dial "911" pada ponsel Anda. Anda akan mencapai menu suara yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memanggil polisi dengan panggilan "1", ambulans dengan panggilan "2", atau sebuah truk pemadam kebakaran dengan panggilan "3". Pilih kendaraan pilihan Anda, dan menunggu mereka tiba. Mereka akan berhenti dan melihat-lihat untuk keadaan darurat, sehingga dapat dengan mudah mencuri kendaraan mereka.
  Lolos dari polisi
Ketika melarikan diri dari polisi, Anda akan memiliki area melingkar di mana mereka mencari Anda. Namun, jika Anda keluar dan polisi lain melihat Anda, ia akan berubah. Untuk menggunakan ini untuk keuntungan Anda, hampir tidak keluar dari lingkaran itu, yang akan Anda lihat di radar Anda. Kemudian, hanya duduk di sana selama sekitar lima detik, bukan lantai melewatinya.
Jika Anda berada pada tingkat ingin bintang empat atau kurang, menemukan tempat dengan rumput atau pasir. Polisi akan mengikuti Anda, tapi mereka biasanya tidak bisa kembali keluar. Anda kemudian dapat saja pergi.
  Tidak ada tingkat ingin ketika ditangkap
Ketika Anda sedang ditangkap oleh polisi, bukannya menekan A segera, klik kanan Analog-tetap untuk berjongkok. Anda masih akan dapat berjalan kaki, tetapi Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bintang dua tingkat ingin. -Dari: reaver456
  Memanggil untuk cadangan
Mencuri mobil polisi, dan setiap kali Anda berada dalam kesulitan, tekan LB sementara mobil Anda adalah stasioner. Pilih "Panggilan Untuk Backup", dan dalam beberapa menit Anda akan memiliki dua kapal penjelajah penuh polisi yang akan bertarung di sisi Anda kecuali Anda menembak seseorang. Catatan: Mereka akan menghidupkan Anda ketika mereka sadar bahwa Anda adalah bukan polisi.
  Membunuh musuh menembak buta
Untuk mengambil musuh yang menembak buta, bertujuan untuk lengan shooting atau tangan ketika sedang terkena. Setelah Anda luka, dia biasanya akan tersandung dari penutup, memberikan Anda membunuh lebih mudah.
  Membunuh pejalan kaki tanpa memerangi
Anda dapat membunuh pejalan kaki paling dengan berulang kali berlari ke mereka terhadap dinding. Ini adalah cara yang baik untuk mendapatkan uang mudah tanpa memperingatkan polisi.
  Mendapatkan kembali kesehatan selama misi
Anda dapat meninggalkan daerah misi dan pergi ke Bell sebuah Cluckin ', stand hotdog, dll dan makan makanan untuk mengisi kesehatan Anda jika Anda rendah dan tidak dapat menemukan paket kesehatan. Hal ini sangat berguna pada misi di mana terdapat paket kesehatan tidak ada di depan mata. Catatan: Anda juga dapat naik taksi ke lokasi tersebut selama misi.
  Menghindari gerbang tol
Melewati setiap pintu tol dengan kendaraan darurat dengan sirene pada. Petugas stan akan membuka pintu gerbang, dan Anda akan menghemat $ 5.
Mengendarai mobil normal sampai pintu tol. Ketika Anda mendapatkan dekat, memperlambat dan melompat keluar sambil memastikan mobil melewati stan. Kemudian, berjalan melewati stan, dan mendapatkan dalam mobil Anda. -Dari: Mike
Sementara di dalam kendaraan atau sepeda motor, melaju hingga pintu tol. Tetap berada di sisi jauh dari stan. Niko akan menempel lengannya tetapi tidak memasukkan uang ke dalam keranjang, dan gerbang masih akan terbuka.
Berkendara sepeda motor ke sisi dinding tol membayar. Anda tidak akan membayar tol jika Anda dapat berkendara melalui celah kecil di sisi.
  Gratis taksi naik
Dapatkan di taksi, tapi jangan lewatkan naik setelah memilih tujuan Anda. Bila Anda berada sekitar dua blok dari tujuan Anda, memecahkan jendela, dan mulai menembak. Sopir taksi akan keluar dan melarikan diri, sehingga Anda tidak harus membayar untuk perjalanan. Anda juga dapat membunuh sopir taksi dan mengambil uangnya, sehingga ia benar-benar membayar Anda untuk naik taksi. -Dari: DemonUrameshi Naruto
  Gratis akses internet
Beberapa safehouses Anda memiliki komputer di dalamnya yang tidak akan membebankan biaya $ 1. Para safehouse Algonquin memiliki laptop di dalamnya, dan agak jauh dari beberapa warung internet.
  Gratis meningkatkan kesehatan
Masukkan ambulans untuk mendapatkan peningkatan kesehatan kecil.
  Gratis senapan kerang
Masukkan sebuah mobil polisi untuk mendapatkan lima peluru senapan.
  Carbine senapan
Gunakan helikopter, kapal, atau hanya berenang untuk mencapai Pulau Kebahagiaan. Masuk ke dalam pintu pertama dari Patung Of Happiness. Akan ada seorang petugas keamanan dengan senapan karabin. Bunuh dia untuk mendapatkan senapan Carbine.
  Mendapatkan Desert Eagle awal
Untuk mendapatkan Desert Eagle sebelum Anda dapat membelinya, membunuh penjual senjata di Broker yang itu dilengkapi, dan kemudian mengambilnya dari dia. Catatan: Melakukan hal ini akan mencegah Anda dari membuat setiap pembelian masa depan di lokasi ini. Ini juga akan menyebabkan pengawal dengan senapan mengejar Anda.
  M-4 senapan serbu
Pergi ke daerah Easton di Algonquin. Di Grand Easton Terminal, naik tangga di depan. Terus sekitar lantai itu sampai Anda melihat kolam kecil. Bergerak melewatinya sampai Anda melihat gilirannya akan pergi. Pergi ke kiri untuk mendapatkan di antara gedung tinggi dan yang lebih kecil. Pada akhir jalan adalah jalan buntu. Hidupkan dan Anda akan melihat sampah oranye menyala bisa. Di balik itu adalah senapan serbu M-4.
  Mendapatkan pistol dan senapan awal
Berikut ini adalah cara mudah untuk memulai permainan dengan pistol penuh dan amunisi senapan. Membuka kemampuan untuk menyimpan dengan tidur di tempat tidur di rumah Romawi. Mendapatkan pisau juga sangat membantu. Pergi ke luar rumah Romawi, dan membunuh beberapa orang. Polisi akan muncul. Membunuh seorang perwira polisi. Dia akan menjatuhkan senjatanya. Ambillah, kemudian segera berjalan ke rumah Romawi, dan tidur di tempat tidur. Anda dapat memilih untuk menyimpan permainan jika diinginkan. Ketika Anda bangun, tingkat ingin Anda akan turun, dan Anda masih akan memiliki pistol. Kembali luar, dan membunuh pejalan kaki lebih. Ketika polisi muncul, jalankan menaiki tangga. Berbalik di bagian atas tangga, dan menghadapi pintu akan luar rumah Romawi. Polisi akan datang melalui pintu itu, dan Anda hanya bisa memilih mereka dengan pistol baru Anda. Perhatikan kesehatan Anda, dan jangan khawatir tentang mengambil senjata. Jika kesehatan Anda hampir habis, Anda bisa tidur di tempat tidur. Bangun, dan ketika Anda pergi ke luar akan ada banyak senjata. Senapan akan memakan waktu lebih lama karena tidak setiap polisi menggunakannya. Namun, jika Anda memasukkan mobil polisi yang telah ditinggalkan di luar apartemen, Anda dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan lima kerang untuk setiap mobil senapan untuk Anda masukkan.
  Mendapatkan senapan Remington awal
Anda bisa mendapatkan senapan yang baik di awal permainan dengan hanya pergi ke klub strip. Dalam perjalanan keluar, ada kantor manajer yang dapat Anda masukkan. Ada senapan Remington besar di lantai dapat Anda ambil.
  Claude pakaian
Bunuh Playboy X dan mendapatkan penthouse. Kemudian, simpan permainan, dan restart Xbox 360. Ketika Anda mengambil kembali permainan Anda disimpan, melihat melalui pakaian Anda, dan Anda harus memiliki pakaian Claude (tokoh utama dalam Grand Theft Auto 3). Semuanya dari jaket kulit, dengan kargo hijau, dan sepatu hitam dengan garis putih di bagian bawah harus ada.
  Tersembunyi kemeja
Ada kemeja Pulau Kebahagiaan rahasia peletakan pada titik tertinggi di pangkalan patung yang dapat dicapai dengan berjalan kaki. Ini terlihat seperti persegi panjang merah menyala. Setelah diangkat, Niko secara otomatis akan memakainya. Ini adalah kaus biru tua. Bagian depan menunjukkan patung itu dan membaca "Kebahagiaan adalah ..." dan dilanjutkan di bagian belakang dengan kata "... tanah".
  Niko di bra
Untuk memakai bra, pergi ke toko pakaian bernama Modo, dan berjalan ke kasir. Pasti seorang kasir wanita untuk trik ini untuk bekerja. Pisau kasir, dan berdiri di atas tubuhnya selama satu jam permainan. Perjalanan kembali ke apartemen Romawi, dan pergi ke lemari pakaian. Anda seharusnya sudah memiliki opsi untuk memakai bra. Memakai bra akan berubah dialog NPC, dan mereka akan mulai mengatakan hal-hal kepada Anda seperti "Apa yang Anda mengenakan manusia?!"
  Ski masker
Untuk membuka topeng ski sehingga Anda dapat memakainya kapan saja, berhasil menyelesaikan "Tiga Leaf Clover" misi. Hal ini kemudian menjadi dipilih sebagai topi di lemari pakaian Anda.
Gunakan metode berikut (s) untuk mendapatkan kendaraan yang sesuai:
Cari di Meadows Park, Dukes.
Air Tug
Cari di Francis International Airport.
Ditemukan diparkir di luar rumah sakit.
Cari Galveston Ave. dekat Park Tengah.
Untuk mendapatkan Banshee abu-abu yang unik dengan garis hitam, memainkan "Meltdown" misi. Niko otomatis carjacks kendaraan ini setelah urutan istirahat di tempat pertama. Drive ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya ketika Anda seharusnya bertemu Ray di jembatan. Anda tidak akan gagal misi, cukup pastikan untuk mencapai titik itu dengan utuh.
Cari bagian atas parkir Francis Bandara Internasional.
Cari di dekat bank.
Bajak laut
Cari di dekat Distrik Industri.
Star Search Junction atau di terminal bus dekat lokasi Helitours.
Cari jalan Westdyke Memorial Hospital aktif.
Untuk mendapatkan arak-arakan yang unik dengan roda hitam, memainkan "Dekonstruksi Untuk Pemula" misi. Ini adalah kendaraan yang Playboy X memiliki senjata lengkap masuk Setelah masuk dan mengambil senjata, drive ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya, lalu lanjutkan dengan misi.
Cari antara Shot Burger dan Golf Club Swingers.
Untuk mendapatkan Comet kuning unik, memainkan "No 1" misi. Mobil ini digunakan dalam lomba jalan. Ini adalah mobil yang sama dengan Comet DP. Cukup mengendarainya ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya setelah misi.
Cari di dekat Pabrik Gula yang Twichin itu.
Wanita genit
Ditemukan di luar gereja.
Cari di dekat tempat parkir taman hiburan itu.
Cari di dekat Magaplex Canyon di Willis, Dukes.
Sampan kecil
Beberapa dapat ditemukan di sekitar pantai Industrial Park Acter.
Dapatkan bintang 4-6 tingkat ingin dan akan menemukan Anda.
Cari berdasarkan Naga Jantung Plaza on Diman Street di Chinatown.
Cari di dekat kawasan industri.
Gunakan trik berikut untuk mendapatkan Flatbed merah marun. Dalam misi "Kecurangan ke Meniup" (truk dengan bom), parkir di tempat parkir Anda safehouse, dan menembak itu sampai meledak. Cepat menyimpan permainan, kemudian reload. Truk itu harus menunggu Anda, mengkilap dan baru, meskipun itu kotor dalam misi.
Fork Lift
Hal Kadang-kadang dapat ditemukan di jalan ke kiri dari jembatan dalam pengerjaan (pulau di kanan atas).
Jalan bebas hambatan
Satu diparkir di depan Cuci Willis dan Lube.
Helitours Maverick
Ditemukan di perusahaan Helitours di Fishmarket Selatan.
Cari di Steinway, Dukes.
Untuk mendapatkan ceri merah Hellfury unik, bermain misi "Ruff Rider" misi. Tembak Jayvon ketika ia mendorong Hellfury merah ceri. Kemudian, drive ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya setelah misi.
Huntley Olahraga
Cari di dekat stasiun LCPD di Northern Gardens.
Pencarian di Outlook Taman oleh restoran Salad Pizza.
Cari di dekat Liberty City Transport Authority di Rotterdam Hill di Broker.
Cuci Van
Dalam misi "Hung Keluar Kering", bukannya pergi ke depan Laundromat, pergi ke bagian belakang pertama. Van Cuci akan duduk di sana. Masuk, dan mencurinya Catatan: Hal ini akan menyebabkan misi gagal, tetapi satu-satunya cara untuk mendapatkan kendaraan ini..
Cari Timur Pulau lingkungan Kota di Dukes.
Cari di dekat Shot Burger di Huntington Street.
Gunakan trik berikut untuk mendapatkan cahaya unik biru Marbelle. Dalam misi "Paman Vlad", Vlad drive mobil ini selama pengejaran. Setelah menyelesaikan misi, membawanya kembali ke tempat parkir Anda untuk menyimpannya. Hati-hati karena mulai keluar rusak berat.
Cari di daerah atas daerah pemukiman di pulau utama ketiga.
Untuk mendapatkan Merit perak yang unik, setelah menyelesaikan "Tanggal Pertama" misi, membawanya kembali ke tempat parkir Anda untuk menyimpannya.
Cari Pulau Mengisi dekat instalasi pengolahan air.
Mr Tasty
Truk es krim dapat ditemukan berjalan-jalan di sekitar Broker dan Dukes. Ketika Anda mencuri sebuah truk es krim, putar musik di. Ini akan mengubah kecepatan tergantung pada seberapa cepat Anda mengemudi. Jika Anda membalik, sehingga akan musik. Untuk siklus melalui lagu yang dimainkan saat mengemudi, klik Waktu Analog-stick untuk memulai dan menghentikannya. Lagu-lagu yang diputar melalui adalah "Dance Of The Fairies Sugar Plum", "Greensleeves", "Scarborough Fair", "Penerbangan Of The Bumble Bee", dan "Flight Of The Valkyrie".
NRG 900
Cari sudut Bismark Ave dan Topaz di Lancaster.
Cari oleh Gardens Castle.
Sebuah Patriot Noose dapat ditemukan dalam misi "Tunnel Of Death". Ini adalah bagian dari konvoi. Anda bisa menerimanya, tetapi ini akan menyebabkan misi gagal.
Untuk mendapatkan Patriot kuning unik, memainkan "Blow Sampul Anda" misi. Kendaraan ini disediakan untuk Anda dan diparkir di luar segera setelah misi dimulai. Cukup mengendarainya ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya, kemudian lanjutkan dengan misi yang diinginkan.
PCJ 600
Untuk mendapatkan merah PCJ unik 600 dengan emas rims, memainkan "I Need Pakaian Anda, Boots Anda, dan motor Anda" misi. Gerry menyediakan sepeda ini untuk Anda di awal misi. Cukup mengendarainya ke tempat parkir untuk menyimpannya setelah menyelesaikan misi.
Ini adalah kabin beroda delapan belas dan dapat ditemukan luar lantai pertama gedung kantor pengacara GL & S.
PMP 600
Cari gang oleh Bursa Distrik Bank di Algonquin.
Polisi Cruiser
Sebuah Cruiser Noose unik Polisi akan muncul secara acak ketika tingkat ingin Anda minimal bintang empat. Mobil ini memiliki pekerjaan cat yang berbeda dari mobil polisi normal, dan deretan lampu sirene adalah baris, flat kecil, yang bertentangan dengan baris berbentuk V lebih menonjol pada mobil normal. Hal ini dapat ditemukan dalam "Tiga Leaf Clover" misi.
Polisi Maverick
Ditemukan di atas kantor polisi di Algonquin.
Cari di Castle Gardens.
Pengusaha peternakan
Cari oleh dermaga di Port Tudor.
Cari Fanny Kepiting dekat Grand Easton Station.
Rokok ganja
Beberapa dapat ditemukan di sekitar pantai Industrial Park Acter.
Cari di Francis International Airport.
Romawi Taksi
Kendaraan ini tidak terkunci ketika Stat Menghormati Romawi mencapai 100%.
Cari East kait di Broker.
Pergi ke lingkungan Boabo, dan melihat peta. Melihat langsung utara lokasi Brucie, dan menemukan jalan yang membentuk huruf "P". Taman dekat stasiun gas "RON" untuk menemukan Securicars yang memijah secara teratur di daerah itu.
Search near the docks in Normandy.
Use the following trick to get a unique black Stallion. In the "Escuela Of The Streets" mission, the dealers drive this vehicle during the scene after they arrive at the warehouse, when they get in and drive off. This car disappears after finishing the mission; you must fail the mission to keep the vehicle.
Search the driveway of a green house in Berchem.
Sultan RS
This car can only be found sitting in the northeastern-most part of the final island. It is stashed in some bushes behind the small shack up a dirt road.
Super GT
Search on Calcium Street in front of the 69.
Several can be found in the depot under the west end of Broker Bridge, east of the fire station.
It can be found moored along the north coast of Acter Industrial Park.
Tug boat
Get in a boat, and search along the water between Alderny and Industrial Island to find a tug boat parked in front of two barges. Get near it, then jump on it, and press [Enter Vehicle] to steal it.
You can find a Turismo parked outside a home in Owl Creek Avenue in Westdyke, or next to Faustin's house on Shinnecock Ave. in Beachgate, Broker.
Search in Schottler.
Search in East Island City.
Search by the pool in Steinway, Dukes.
Zombie motorcycle
They can be found driving around by the Pay 'n' Spray near Port Tudor in Alderney.
Use the following trick to get unique black and red Zombie. During the "No Love Lost" mission, these are the bikes used by the gang. Take one from a fallen gang member after or during the mission.
  Easy Stevie vehicle theft missions
Set a way point to one of the locations described in the "Stevie vehicle theft locations", then have a taxi drive you to the location. You will then only have to spend time driving to the garage in south Bohan.
  Stevie vehicle theft locations
The following is a list of all 30 vehicle theft locations for Stevie's missions. Once you get a vehicle, take it to south Bohan, a bit east of the safe house there. The entrance is on the east side of it, where it says "S&M Auto Sales". To get the listed reward, you must bring the vehicle in perfect condition. Note: If you have to break the window to steal a vehicle, it does not devalue the vehicle reward. The vehicle reward only goes down when you bump into things.
Reward: $26,400
Location: Algonquin, Middle Park West. Parked west of a building that says Mammon Heights, facing north. On the other side of the street is the art gallery. The easiest way to find this is to go to the southwest corner of Middle Park, go one block west, and then turn right to the north. The orange Banshee is on your right side.
Reward: $8,250
Location: Dukes, Francis International Airport. It is on top of the multistory car park, west of the terminal. Go up to the roof, and you will find it in the south area, parked on the middle part in front of a pay station.
Reward: $5,940
Location: Bohan, Industrial. Look at the map of Bohan, in the southeast corner is a two lane highway going southwest and then just ends out on the water. Go under that highway, on the road that goes northwest to southeast. At the corner where that road turns east, just south of it, is the car.
Reward: $23,100
Location: Alderney, Leftwood. The car is just north of the hospital. If you look at the map and see the northern Pay 'n' Spray, locate the road to the northwest that starts going west, makes a hairpin curve southwards, and then goes to the northwest. Where that road ends is a house with a small wall, and behind that small wall (visible from the street) is the car, parked facing west.
Reward: $29,700
Location: Alderney City. From the north Pay 'n' Spray, go west, and take the first south. At the third corner where the thin street meets the thicker street that goes south to west, stop here. Look east into the alley. It is parked on the south side of it in the middle.
Reward: $19,800
Location: Algonquin, Westminster. Look at the southern Pay 'n' Spray at the west coast of Algonquin. There is a set of three docks to the west and a bit south of here. The northern one of the three has a big parking lot (darker street, looks like an alley on the map) to the east. Pergi ke sana. To the northwest is a big domed building where the car is located.
Reward: $8,250
Location: Dukes, Boabo. This is the same location you went for the "Bleed Out" story mission. The guy dropped his car here and ran up the stairs. If you do not remember where it is, look where the Algonquin Bridge hits the land. Follow the first road that goes under it in the west a bit north. Before it curves to the east, look to the west through the gate of a factory with two large buildings. The car is in between.
Reward: $13,530
Location: Algonquin, Suffolk. Take the road north of the weapons shop, and go west. At the fifth intersection, go north, then look to the west to see a church. The Coquette is parked here on the west side of the road. This road is also directly two blocks south of the big sky scraper.
Reward: $5,940
Location: Broker, Hove Beach. Southeast of the broker safe house is a train station. You can see the symbol for it overlapping a building to the north on the map. On the ground level of the train station is a parking garage in the south-eastern corner, where the DF8-90 is parked.
Reward: $6,600
Location: Dukes, Willis. Take the road west of the northern car wash to the north. At the third road that goes west, turn left. The Dilettante is parked on the right side (north) here. If you look to the east, you should see the "Big Willis Mall" sign.
Reward: $7,260
Location: Algonquin, East Holland. Go to the northern Modo clothes store. Across the street to the southeast, the Dukes is parked facing east just as the street goes downward. You can see the clothes store from where the car is parked.
Reward: $2,310
Location: Algonquin, Chinatown. The Faggio is one block south and a bit to the west of the gun shop, on the north side of the street.
Reward: $6,600
Location: Dukes, Willis. Go to the northeast car wash. The bike is just south of it parked on the street, on the eastern side, facing north.
Huntley Sport
Reward: $13,200
Location: Bohan, Northern Gardens. In northern Bohan, where the two lane high way from the east merges into one lane again, a small road goes south. At that corner to the southeast is a police station. The car is parked in a parking lot with a wall around it in the north of the station. It opens up to the west, which is also the direction the car faces. Be careful as there is a cop standing right next to it.
Reward: $33,000
Location: Dukes, Downtown. Look for the circle in Outlook, with the big arch on it. Go north from it, and you will see the Infernus parked on the east street side facing north, in front of a place that has a "Pizza Salad" sign on it.
Reward: $8,250
Location: Broker, Rotterdam Hill. Take the road that is south of the weapons shop, and go west on it. Follow it generally to the northwest then west again. The road then makes a curve to the southeast. Before the curve is where the Intruder is parked. There is also a hot dog stand there. The car faces west.
Reward: $3,960
Location: Dukes, Heights. One block east of the Cluckin' Bell in Cerveza Heights, you will see an old burger shop that is no longer open. The Manana is parked on the south side of it facing west. The block it is on has an alley on the map that goes from east to south.
Reward: $7,260
Location: Charge Island. The street on Charge Island in the northeast goes close to the water front. Just as it curves back to the southwest, there is a parking lot (darker grey area on the map). The Moonbeam is in the middle of the southern end, facing north.
NRG 900
Reward: $8,250
Location: Algonquin, Lancaster. From the northeast corner of Middle Park, go east one block, then turn south. The bike is parked on the east side of the street in the middle of this block, facing north.
PMP 600
Reward: $10,560
Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Look at the map in southern Algonquin. In the block just north of the Perseus clothes store is a bank (occupying the south-eastern part of that block). Just north of that is an alley (same colored street as the surrounding streets though) in which the PMP 600 is parked.
Reward: $16,500
Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Go one block west from the southern Perseus clothes store and then one block south. On the southwest corner of the next block to the south, on its south side, facing west is a yellow Patriot.
Pengusaha peternakan
Reward: $8,250
Location: Alderney in the Port Tudor area. Look at the map, and locate the weapons shop. To the east from there are two docks that have roads on them. To the west of those docks are two buildings with roads around them. The southern of the two has the northeast corner missing. The Rancher is in that corner.
Reward: $11,550
Location: Algonquin, The Triangle. From the Cluckin' Bell, go south, and take the second road east. Stop at the next corner, and look to the southeast. There is a restaurant with a crab logo. The Rebla is parked outside it, on the east side of the road, facing north. Across the corner to the northeast is the Daily Globe building.
Sabre GT
Reward: $8,250
Location: Parked in a drive way facing north, in Dukes. Drive on the road that is to the east of the large circle in Meadows Park to the north. At the corner of the street that goes east in a slight southward wave, stop. It is well south of the two large circles. Look to the northeast, there is a house there with a drive way and a two door garage. The Sabre GT is parked in front of the right one.
Reward: $8,250
Location: Alderney, Normandy. Go west from the Booth tunnel, take the second one south, and then turn left again. There is a Tudor Port sign on your right. The car is behind the sign and before the gates ahead. It is parked facing north, on the west side of the road leading into the gated area.
Reward: $11,550
Location: Alderney, Bechem.
Super GT
Reward: $36,300
Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Go from the southern Perseus store to the north (through the street that is a bit wavy). On the third street, after the 69 Exchange, turn west, and you should see it parked on the northern side of the road facing west. Right next to it is a bank.
Reward: $36,300
Location: Alderney, Westdyke. Go from the northern car wash. Take the road south of it to the west, then south. Turn east, and when the next road goes off to the south, stop. Just to the north of here in that block is a house that has a marking of an alley in a T shape on the map. It is the western most one. In the northeast corner of that T is the Turismo.
Reward: $6,600
Location: Dukes, East Island City. As you come off the East Borough Bridge, follow this road until it ends and you run right into it. It is parked on the east side of a street; to the east is a large tower form LC24; to the southeast a hotdog stand; and a bit to the southwest is a police station. Be careful of those cops.
Reward: $7,260
Location: Dukes, Steinway. Look at Dukes. There is the large elongated circular park in the northwest on the western shore. Go to its west side. The Washington is parked on the west side of the road here, facing south.
  Phone numbers
Dail one of the following numbers on Niko's cell phone to call the indicated business or person:
Bean Machine Coffee: 555-0110
Emergency Services: Dial "911" to summon the police, fire department, or an ambulance.
Express Car Service: 555-2222
Express Car Service: 555-3333
Fire Proof Doors: 555-5700
Hero Shop: 555-8575
LCPD Recruitment: 555-RECRUIT
Liberty Construction: 555-1274-73
No Problemo Bail Bonds: 555-945-733-92
Storage: 555-221-3877
Superb Deli: 555-4674
The Serrated Edge: 1-800-555-5555
Used Auto Parts: 555-7300
Vinewood Laundromat: 555-5123
Zit Song Identifier: Dial "948-555-0100" if you hear a song you like on the radio, dial this number to get a text message with the name and artist of the song.
Blackmailer from "Call And Collect" mission: 843-555-0124
Drug dealer from "Lure" mission: 545-555-1022
Roman Bellic: 718-926-7215
  Police database
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter " www.libertycitypolice.com " as a URL to go to the Liberty City Police Department website. Click the "Database" tab at the bottom of the home page to get information on all characters, including Niko and Roman.
  Wanted as a pedophile
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter " www.littlelacysurprisepageant.com " as a URL to get an instant five star wanted level as a pedophile.
  Internet websites
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter one of the following URLs to visit that site:
The following URLs require "The Lost And Damned" bonus downloadable content:
  TV channels
The following is a list of what can be seen when you turn on a television:
CNT commercial
Fear The Dark Finger movie commercial
I'm Rich
LCPD Recruitment - Join LCPD
Patriot 500
The History Of The Civil War And Beyond
John Hunter political commercial
Republican Space Rangers cartoon
Terror Marathon
Venturas Poker Challenge
VIG Insurance commercial
Vinewood Cunts
Weazel Wednesdays
  Faster motorcycles
Note: A PCJ600 or NRG900 is recommended for this trick. To drive faster, accelerate, and just as your bike is about to shift into third gear, tap the Left Analog-stick repeatedly about every second. Do not tap it too fast or you will lose rear tire grip. If done correctly, the engine will gradually get near to the end of its last gear. When it gets to the end of its last gear, the revs will jump to indicate that you are travelling at the bike's top speed.
  Moving up stairs faster
Instead of running up a set stairs, try jumping up them to move faster.
  Self-healing fire truck
If your fire truck catches on fire, use its water cannon to put out the flames and prevent it from exploding.
  Avoiding calls
To avoid being interrupted during a mission by a friend or wanting to explore the city without getting a call for another mission, bring up the cell phone menu. Enter the "Options" menu, and turn "Sleep Mode" on.
  Change police siren
Get in a police car, and turn on the sirens. Hold [Horn] to cycle through alternate siren sounds until released.
  Shooting people with water cannon
Steal a fire truck, then press [Fire] while driving around to shoot the super water cannon at people around you. You will get many funny reactions from the people that you shoot with it.
  Driving on roller coaster
Steal a Blista Compact or another small sports car, and drive to the abandoned roller coaster in Broker on Firefly Island. Knock down the section of fence next to the road near the ticket booths. Drive onto the section of tracks that is almost level with the ground. Drive your car around the roller coaster. You may get stuck on the turns, but you can carefully squeeze by them with careful driving.
  Getting tossed by friend
Invite a friend to hang out with you. Gently nudge him with your car, enough to knock him over but not enough to hurt him. After a few times, he will open the car door and throw you out.
  Friend in hospital
If a friend gets run over by an NPC on the way to see you, you will only be able to get his voice mail. A few in-game days later he will call, asking to be picked up from the hospital.
  Bumping into an officer
When you see a cop on the sidewalk, you can push past him like any other pedestrian while walking. However, if you continue to push and pester a cop, even if you do not have a weapon or throw a punch, he will attempt to arrest you.
While in a car, hold [Accelerate] + [Brake] to do a burnout. If you keep doing this, the smoke will change color and eventually your tires will burst.
  Easy 360s
Gain some speed in a car, then hold [Handbrake] until you have completed a full 180. Just before you complete the 180, release [Handbrake] and hold [Brake], which will spin you the next 180 degrees. However, some vehicles cannot do this. Also, with some vehicles, holding [Brake] will spin you back the way you came while using the handbrake, resulting in back-to-back 180s.
  Easy strikes in bowling
Select the first lane (all the way to the left). Take two full steps to the left. Hold Right Analog-stick Down for about a half second, then press Right Analog-stick Up. Do not add any aftertouch to the throw.
  View Statue Of Happiness' heart
Once you gain access to Happiness Island, find the Helicopter Tours, which is directly east of Happiness Island, and steal a helicopter. Fly to Happiness Island and over the Statue Of Happiness, then jump out of the helicopter at the statue's feet. You should land on the top-most tier of the statue, which is basically a square platform with a door in the center of each side. Run around the platform until you see a door with a plaque on either side of it that reads, "No Hidden Content Here". It may seem like you cannot go through the door, but you can -- it doesn't open, you simply walk through the door. You will find an empty room with a tall ladder inside. Climb it, and when you reach the top, look up to see a huge beating heart, held in place by chains.
  Online dating
You can date people from the in-game internet. When looking at their profile, click "Date". You will then have to wait a few in-game days for a negative or positive reply via email. If your date accepts, reply to their email, and meet them.
  Lap dance duet at strip club
Go to a strip club, and reserve a lap dance. After the performance is done, she will ask if you want another, accept twice, and she will bring another girl into the room for a duet.
  Brucie's tattoos
The tattoo on Brucie's breast means "I" in Chinese. The tattoo on his right forearm means "straightforward person". The tattoo on his left forearm means "unqualified". The tattoo on his waist actually means "shemale".
  Lola the lollypop girl
Lola is a prostitute in the game. She can be found near the docks. Search the Police Database for Lola del Rio, and it will tell you her location.
  Finding Eddie Low the serial killer
Throughout the game the radio, television, and internet talk about a serial killer. You can meet him in an alley close to the Auto Eroticar dealership in Alderney. When you get close to the alley, a circle called "friend" will appear. He will ask you for a ride. You can then hear all the crazy things he has to say.
  Visiting your kidnapped victim again
While driving through southern Alderny soon after completing Garry's kidnapping missions, you my noticed a blip on the radar. Drive to the small house, and you will see the mob daughter who screams and calls for help. Her father and several gangsters will appear and attack you.
  Getting inside the Alderny Correctional Facility
Steal a helicopter, and fly over the top of the prison. Land on the basketball courts to avoid getting a wanted level. After entering the prison, you can see prisoners talking with each other, eating on the benches, a crazy prisoner, and correctional officers on patrol.
  Sex toys
Pink vibrators can be found all throughout Liberty City. A good place to look is in the warehouse where the final mission takes place. Search in the little bundles of trash on the ground on the inside of the warehouse. They can be found elsewhere, but this is a good place to look as it is also the starting location of Party mode.
There is a purple dildo sticking out of a pile of trash under the stairs by Salvatore's mansion.
  Hospital sex poster
There is a funny hospital poster in the north Alderney hospital on Long John avenue. You will go inside the hospital for a mission. On the left hand side when you walk in, read the sex poster. It may help if you use your camera or a sniper rifle to zoom in.
  Brucie on "Money Maker" magazine
Zoom in on the magazine in Playboy X's penthouse coffee table. Brucie is on the cover of "Money Maker" magazine with the subtitle "How To Spend It Wisely".
  Mid-air cars
While in a helicopter, preferably the Annihilator, enable a code to spawn a vehicle. The vehicle will either float in the air motionless, fall at high speeds, or hit your rotor and spin off.
  Stopping police siren
Shoot out a police car's lights with a gun to make the siren malfunction.
  No helmet on motorcycle
Use the following trick to ride a motorcycle without Niko wearing a helmet. Tap Y at any point during the animation where Niko puts the helmet on, but before the helmet actually appears. Doing this cancels the animation, and Niko will not wear his helmet. If you wait too long and press that button after the helmet has appeared in Niko's hand, it will still cancel the animation, but the helmet will immediately appear on Niko's head.
  Honking traffic jam
Drive up to an intersection, and start honking your horn. Other vehicles will join in and honk as well. If you honk your horn near a police car, they will run their siren to honk with you.
While stopped in a vehicle in a large traffic jam, tap out the rhythm of the musical phrase "Shave and a haircut" with your horn. Another car in the traffic jam or pedestrian will answer it with the standard two beep "two bits" response.
  License plate messages
Certain vehicles have funny notes on their license plates cover or border. For instance, the "Ruiner" 1980's Camaro clone has the saying "Ruining Imports Since '67".
  British pedestrian
On Lockowski Ave., there is a British man in the auto car dealership. If you bump into him he will shout things like "You wanker" and so forth.
  Karate pedestrian
At the bottom area of Broker is a beach. Continue to the edge nearest to Algonquin to see a pedestrian practicing karate.
Walk in the darkest parts of the subway, and you might find someone called "Ratman". When you get close to him, he will say said he is Ratman but will then run very fast down the subway. You will not be able to catch up with him.
  Invisible rider
Get killed or somehow otherwise get to Schottler Medical Center. Enable the "Spawn Sanchez" code. Look at the inside of the hospital from the bottom of the stairs. Keep pressing A on the "Cheat" option of your cell phone until you see a Sanchez appear inside the hospital. Go up to it, and get on the bike. Either all the walls will disappear, all the walls will have inverse colors, or everything will turn very bright white. No matter what, Niko will be invisible and so will your gun if you choose to fire it. The muzzle flash appears but the gun itself does not. You can get on and off the bike. Note: If you try to go outside the hospital, you will become visible again.
  Fall through ground
Drive a large vehicle, such as an SUV, to Francis International Airport. Drive sideways under a moving plane so that the wheels are pushing into you. Sometimes you and the car will drop below the world. After a few seconds, you will respawn back on land with the vehicle gone.
Get to the part where you go into the subway about halfway through the mission "Your Shirt, Your Boots, Your Motorcycle". Stay to the left. When the subway car comes towards you, keep left, and try to get in-between the wall and the subway car. Doing this will drop you into "blue hell" for a few seconds before popping you back up.
Go to "Fishmarket South" (where you do one mission for Bernie). Find the Anchor statue near the sea. Go towards the water and over the little dock into the water. Swim to the right (south) until you see a wooden "pier" against the wall. It should have square gaps that you can hop through. Jump through the one to the far right (the first one you swim past), and move towards the wall. You will fall down into "blue hell".
  Swim under city
Go to the north part of the map, just northwest of Butterfly Street in Bohan. Then, get down to the outskirts of the land, and walk towards the corner between the brick wall and the cliff. You can walk through the invisible wall. Lookup towards the city to see the city from below. You can also continue onwards and swim under the city.
  Skull box inside Packie's head
Position Packie between the camera and Niko. Move until the camera is inside Packie, and look at the center of his head to find a box with skulls.
  Random character missions
There are a total of 22 total random character missions. All except Jeff, Cherise, Ivan, and Clarence count towards 100% completion. There are six on the first island (three for Brian, and one each for Mel, Ilyena, and Badman), twelve on the second island (three for Jeff, two each for Marnie, Sara, and Pathos, and one each for Hossan, Clarence, and Cherise), and four on the third island (two for Eddie Low, and one each for Gracie and Ivan). Note: The missions for Ivan, Clarence, and Cherise are only available if you allow them to live during the storyline missions. The random characters only appear after the following missions:
Brian: It's Your Call
Badman: Shadow
Mel: Escuela Of The Streets
Ilyena: The Puerto Rican Connection
Hossan: The Puerto Rican Connection
Sara: The Puerto Rican Connection
Pathos: The Puerto Rican Connection
Jeff: Photo X
Cherise: The Holland Play
Marnie: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Eddie Low: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Ivan: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Gracie: Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
Clarence: Blood Brothers
The missions can be picked up at the following locations. If a person has multiple missions, you must wait at least one or two days before trying to find them again.
Brian 1: Close to Roman's taxi cab stand
Brian 2: Near Vlad's bar
Brian 3: Middle left on the map, off Munsee Ave. and Dillon
Badman: Top center of the map off Morris Dr
Mel: Near Vlad's bar on Iroquois
Ilyena: Firefly Island on the bottom of the map, near the park
Hossan: Off Garnet St
Sara 1: At night, near Hossan spot on Feldspar
Sara 2: At night, near the Broker Bridge.
Pathos 1: Middle of the map, off Burlesque and near Lorimar
Pathos 2: Near the previous location, except off Manganese and Denver-Exeter
Jeff 1: Near Bismarck and Uranium
Jeff 2: Will call you on the phone near Bismarck and Topaz
Jeff 3: Denver and Feldspar
Cherise: Exeter and Wardite
Marnie 1: Diamond and Liberty
Marnie 2: Union Drive and Quartz
Clarence: Astoria and Vauxit, near Jeff's first encounter
Eddie Low 1: Between 10 pm and 4 am at Panhandle and Lockoqski
Eddie Low 2: Between 10 pm and 4 am at Aspdin and Cockerell
Ivan: Near Farnsworth and Fleming area
Gracie: Near Babbage Dr
  Most wanted mission locations, hints, and tips
Bohan Dukes and Broker
Maxwell Caughlin
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He is just one block north of the safehouse in Bohan. As you near him, he will pull out and drive away. Shoot him and his friend. Aim for the driver and the tires. If you cannot aim precisely, just keep shooting the car until they bail out.
Scott Guzowski
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He and his gang are hiding out in Steinway, in the large park to the west. Go to the road east of them, then hop over the wall. There is a small wall down there that will give you cover. You can take all four of them out from there.
Antoinio Rivette
Crime: Racketeering
Location: He and his friends hide in the train station at South Slopes. Go there, and go up the stairs. He has three helpers with him. Be careful as it is very crowded.
Rodrigo Stavnes
Crime: Racketeering
Location: He and three friends are on foot. Look for the blip location, and go to the road west of it. The GPS will lead you to the one east of it. As you get close, they will run to the street here. Run them over or shoot them. They will go north and split up at the end of the street. Kill them before that happens to save time.
Fernando Tisdel
Crime: Human Trafficking
Location: He hides out in Hove Beach. He will come out in a car with three of his friends to the south of the blip. They will then make a run for it. Keep up with them. Try to kill the driver as that will get them to stop and get out, or just spray the car with bullets.
Tyler Pickrel
Crime: Human Trafficking
Location: He is in Meadows Park, to the northeast of the big circle. He will make a run for it when you are close, but on foot. Run him over or gun him down.
Preston Pecinovsky
Crime: Credit Card Fraud
Location: He hides out in the northeast of Bohan. Approach him from the east. You can then gun them all down or blow up their two cars with a rocket launcher. The rockets are expensive; only use them if they try to get away. You can usually just snipe them, even out of the car as they move. If they take off, steal a car, and follow and kill all of them.
Alonso Goralski
Crime: Burglary
Location: There are two people at the airport. When you approach, one is in a car. The other person stays near the gatehouse where the blip was. Hunt down the one in the car first, then return for the other person. Do not get too close to that second person because he has a shotgun.
Bert Reker
Crime: Drug Trafficking
Location: They hide out in a junkyard in Bobao. Approach it from the southeast. As you go down the road, stop and pull out a sniper rifle. From up here, you can kill a fair number of them. With their ranks thinned, go down, and take out the rest.
Freddy Paparo
Crime: Grand Theft Auto
Location: Freddy is north in a parking lot in Steinway close to the waterfront and to the west of the bridge going north. As you get closer, you will see Freddy and three friends pull out in a car. Shoot the car until it explodes or they bail out, then kill them all.
Shon Kikuchi
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He is in North Holland, in the block across the northwest corner of Middle Park. As soon as you get close, he will make a run for it in a Banshee. At first, he is rather slow. Try to get close, and shoot him out of the driver's seat. If that does not work, he will speed up. Keep shooting his car until it breaks down so he goes on foot or it explodes.
Jimmy Kand
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He is in the northern area of the X building in Northwood, the same one Dwayne is at. Enter it through the south, and use the stairs, just to the right and then around the corner to your left. On the first floor, you will notice that the red target icon changes from an up arrow to a circle. That means you are on the correct floor. Ignore everyone else, and shoot Jimmy in his room as he lays there passed out.
Simon Nashly
Crime: Racketeering
Location: He and his gang hide out in Fishmarket South in the building with the sign Pier 45 on it that looks like a "#" sign on the map. You will find them all over the different levels of this building, and they move around. Watch the radar closely to get their positions to find them all. Do not worry if cops show up as you can also kill them. Your wanted level goes away as soon as you kill the last of the gang.
Tommy Francovic
Crime: Racketeering
Location: As you approach him in Castle Garden City, he will take off on a bike driving north form his starting position. Ram him with your car, then drive over him or shoot him.
Barry Lamora
Crime: Human Trafficking
Location: He is standing with two friends on the northeast corner of the apartment building on the south area on Colony Island. Kill his friends while he runs away, then chase him down. He moves south towards the old hospital.
Lino Friddell
Crime: Hit and Run
Location: He and two of his friends are close to Middle Park. As you approach the blip, they will run to the east in the alley, then go north to an SUV parked there. If they make it, they drive off, and you have to chase them down. Two easy ways to kill them are to drive into that alley and run them over or drive to the alley in the north, and as they go for the SUV, and kill them. This also helps you block the SUV in case they do make it there.
Juan Haimo
Crime: Burglary
Location: He is found near the north end of Star Junction. When you get close, three bikes will take off from there to the east. Stand where they come out, and shoot them before they can get anywhere. Kill any that you can. If one makes off, chase him. Bump the bike to make him fall off, then drive over him or shoot him.
Darren Covey
Crime: Arms Dealing
Location: He hides with five of his friends in a parking garage in Purgatory. You can get up there over a ramp to the south. When you get the red targets, stop, and get out of the car. Take out your sniper rifle, and shoot the people from this distance. Stand east of the barrier. By doing this, they will most likely not have a chance to hit you. You can also use the RPG on one of the cars to kill them, but the sniper rifle is cheaper and almost as effective.
Leo Brodell
Crime: Drug Trafficking
Location: He is in a building just south of the three X buildings in East Holland. The entrance is on the north side, to the very east of the building. When you stand in front of it, the entrance is to the left and to the right is a blue banner on the buildings reading "Real Loose Clothing". The first one is just on the first landing. The second one is on the other side where the steps go up again. Exactly one level above that one is the third person. The next level is clear. Another person stands at the landing of the next level. Then, go up to the door leading to the roof. Shoot the door, and immediately to the right behind it is the next person. The last person hides on the roof, to the right around the corner and behind a small wall when you get out there.
Christov Mahonvic
Crime: Grand Theft Auto
Location: He is in a building in Fishmarket South, just north of the Broker Bridge near the waterfront, with a lot of garbage trucks parked to the south. One of the story missions also brings you to this exact building. All of them are hidden in there. Snipe them from the south when you get past the fence. Anything that is not reachable that way (for example, the person in the upper level just to the left when you enter) will need to be killed close up. The rest should be easy kills with the sniper rifle without you getting hit.
Marty Boldenow
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He is hiding out in Acter, north of the gun shop. Approach it from the south. He has an entire crew there helping him out. Kill them all, but be careful as they are equipped with assault rifles.
Noel Katsuda
Crime: Gang Related Violence
Location: He and his gang are in southwest Tudor. Approach it from the south and west. Throw a grenade over the wall, then go in and kill the rest. His gang has SMGs', so use cover here.
Rodney McEniry
Crime: Racketeering
Location: He and his crew are in a back alley in Berchem. Approach it from the south, and go into the alley to take him and his three friends down.
Glenn Lushbaugh
Crime: Human Trafficking
Location: He is in Alderney City, just south of the highway across from the Auto Erotica. As you get close, he will pull out of an alley and drive off. Chase him, and shoot his car until it is destroyed.
Phil Bacerra
Crime: Hit and Run
Location: He is close to the Booth tunnel, just to the southwest of it near the marina. You will see two trucks there. Each has two men in them. You must kill all four to complete this task.
Sergi Szerbin
Crime: Burglary
Location: He is hiding next to the Pay And Spray in the north. Drive to the first street to the south of the one in front of the shop. You can use a rocket launcher to blow up the car in front, doing a lot of damage to them. However, this is very expensive with little pay off. Instead, use the sniper rifle, and kill what you can from here. They will not come at you. Get closer, and kill those still hiding. You can do this easily without a single shot hitting you.
Danny Hatmaker
Crime: Arms Dealing
Location: He hides out at the port area in Normandy. These people also stay in place, around the large tanks close by. Watch the map to see targets that are above you, but most are on ground level. The last two hide between the containers to the southwest.
Mervin Eskuchen
Crime: Drug Trafficking
Location: He sits with his friends in two Patriots to the west of the TW@ Internet Cafe. Approach them from the north using the street just east of the blip. When you get the red targets, get out of the car with an assault or carbine, and target the men in the cars. You should be able to kill at least one of them by doing this. They often also stop, and you can easy pick all four off the streets. If they get moving, get in your car again, and hunt them down. They drive very close around the blocks all the time. You can also try to wait at a corner and blow them up with a rocket launcher, but that is unnecessary expensive.
Frederick Harrison
Crime: Grand Theft Auto
Location: He and his friends hide in Tudor, near the old bridge. One of the men is to the south under the bridge itself. The rest all hide up on the bridge. As you go up, check behind you. They like to shoot you in the back. Use your sniper rifle when you can see them from afar.
Keenan Burdett
Crime: Armed Robbery
Location: He and a lot of his gang are hiding out in a multi-storey car park in Leftwood, slightly to the north from the Pay And Spray. Go to the southwest corner here, and enter through the door in the south wall. In here is a Sprunk soda machine. If you need some health while doing this, it will help. Go through the next door to the north. Follow the ramps just slightly to your right. Go up the levels. There are a few hiding behind pillars here, but the main force is on the roof. As you go up, use your sniper rifle to kill them. The last of them make a stand in the northeast corner. Remember the Sprunk machine at the entrance to refill your health if needed.
  Vehicle list
The following vehicles can be found in the game:

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